Them and Us

Imperialists colonized Africa to get raw materials for their fledgling industries. The Abyssinian kingdom had historic relations with European powers. They have always helped it in its wars. Now, helping the imperialists in the “Scramble of Africa it got as a bonus, permission, advisors and firearms to occupy countries to its south. This is not the first time that they helped it against Oromo and the south. Oromo who in the Horn of Africa are majority population, with fertile land, abundant resources, rich natural environment and productive manpower and Gada democratic political culture are pushed into political minority, divided, impoverished and disabled because of their help. Being Oromo had been enough reason to be dehumanized, discriminated, segregated, and killed. Because some Oromo remain with slave mentality, they still leak hands of their masters. Their pan-Oromo liberation movement is now fifty years old. Much progress and achievements are made at a painful cost towards their goal, independence. For a people that lost half its population, its humanity and all it built over a millennium, its resources and freedom is a big stride. For the liberation movement, unlike other liberation struggles which were part of the system, it must break through a mountain that was thrown down on its people to face the enemy. After that, the feudal nafxanyaa system is broken, the colonizers are put in disarray returning them into preoccupation position.  

It was only occupation of the South including Oromiyaa that united them providing lucrative return which they thought could keep it for granted forever. They are not prepared to tackle it when that comes under challenge. That is what put them in disarray like a rabid dog. Puffing up like a cat to simulate a panther did not work this time. Now the occupied peoples can relatively use their language and practice their culture than before. Freedom is now in reach for them. It requires only a little push, firm organization, discipline, determination and commitment to the cause. The agent that is running the empire is making the last kick for survival of the last African colony and his own crowning. The precarious political environment we are experiencing now is a passing whirlwind which may have some momentary but not permanent effect.   

It was hoped from dedication of the actors of preliberation Pan-African Movement that Africans will cleanse Africa from liters colonialism may leave behind. But the first Pan-African organization (OAU) after liberation fall short of this hope. It accepted boundaries drawn for African nations by imperialists. So kins remained divided in the way colonialism divided them for own political and economic convenience. The Abyssinian kingdom also referred to as “Christian Island in Heathens and Muslim Sea” was perched in the highland beyond Shawa. To the south of them were various monarchies, republics and traditional states (So called heathens}. The Abyssinian kingdom was the only African country invited to join as a partner to those that went to colonize the Horn of Africa during the “Scramble for Africa”. As a result, France, Britania, Italy and Abyssinia shared the Horn of Africa among them. Though European states have accepted abolition of slave trade starting 18 century they knowingly partnered with Abyssinian emperor who was the biggest slave trader in that part of Africa.   Source of slaves was countries to south of his kingdom including Oromiyaa. The Abyssinians were no less cruel to their colonies than the Europeans. They drew a colonial political, economic and social policy for them different from the motherland. Their difference with Oversea colonizers was only the color of their skins, technological development and geographical proximity to their colonies.   

Because Africans stayed under political socialization of colonizers for many years, they abandoned own character of compassionate humanity, and took what they taught them. After freedom instead of forming solidarity of siblinghood they started pointing fingers to each other as “us and them”, not as “We the Africans”. Oromiyaa, the country of the Oromo, one of the numerous peoples in Africa had been colonized with other countries but by backward, minority nation.  It is forgotten because the colonizer, the Abyssinian kingdom did not come from across the sea and was technologically backward to attract attention of the world. Just like the other colonies they supplied raw materials plundered from their colonies to European industries for they did not have one. But for the technological input in firearms, they were not advanced more than the colonies. Oromiyaa at that time had woodworks, metal works, weaving and horn and ivory crafts, etc. After all European colonies were free, no one raised about those of Abyssinia. African ruling class were jubilating for replacing the colonizers. No one raised about Ethiopian colonies which were not freed. The Abyssinian rulers are enjoying their being overlooked as a colonizer and only that they had never been colonized is propagated by their allies.  

The air of freedom which is breezing throughout the world did not blow over the Abyssinian empire. Abyssinian colonialism was concealed under being black, under old Christian kingdom history and under not declared interest of big powers. Now Oromiyaa is pregnant with freedom and independence. The due date for bringing forth is nearing. Organizations can be midwives not the child; harassing and destroying them can never hinder the birth of freedom and independence. That being order of nature is inevitable. There are many midwives standby. Let nafxanyaa system hopefuls and their running dogs, liars, thieves, opportunists, traitors, reactionaries, waverers and saboteurs cut their hope. Oromiyaa is advancing towards independence. Now, we at least know that the root cause for hate and mistrust of African siblings in the Horn is rooted in the agreement made at The Berlin Conference of February 26, 1885.  We were good people we cannot be the source of our own suffering. Instead of pointing fingers to each other as “them and us”, let us treat the problem from its roots. Let all know how we are integrated into the Abyssinian empire a century ago and that we were not an ethnic group in Abyssinia but nations illegally colonized. Decolonization is what is demanded.  

Those we say “Them” are the generation now in power, descendants of those that invaded Oromiyaa starting the end of 19th century forming a nafxanyaa colonial system; they spoke Amharic. Those that take as “Us” are offsprings of Oromo that were victims of that invasion. Until they accept that they invaded a country that does not belong to them by force and repent and pay compensation, there can never be peace between Oromo and them. Oromo also, until they regain all the rights they were denied, shall never stop the liberation movement they commenced. The aliens had controlled most land of Oromiyaa, resources of Oromiyaa, and Oromiyaa’s manpower and still controlling much. They forbade the practicing of their culture, language, religion, and tradition to replace them by their own. For this reason, with time, whatever were theirs were imposed by brainwashing, legislation or stick to be considered civilized and those of Oromo ignoramus. That they were successful to some extent can be observed from minions flocking with them to date. Some people have sold their honor for comfort and greed for authority.  

Under this condition Oromo that were baptized and tied strings symbolizing that, and spoke Amharic were added to Amaaraa camp. It means they were Amaarized. Learning from these capabilities of the Oromo, Oromo person had better chance of being hired or appointed. Therefore, there were Oromo that reached the highest positions in colonial administration. Oromo were more chosen as soldiers and officers. By using them, more tribes were defeated and were turned into slaves and serfs. Even today, being generals of the enemy, they are massacring the Oromo people indiscriminately and giving false information about their own nation.  Those are being considered Oromo to allege that Oromo have overtaken Ethiopia. Many are misled by Oromo enemy’s propaganda to believe the Oromo control life and business in Finfinnee. To be hired in Finfinnee one must speak and write in Amharic. Because Oromo are educated in their own language they cannot compete for federal jobs in Finfinnee. Most government employees are non-Oromo. To cover up for their own corrupted officials they blame the Oromo for it. Had there not been discrimination and every citizen were treated equally Oromo could have been the overwhelming majority in any quarter. But facts do not demonstrate that. To many people unusual speaking afaan Oromo in the streets of Finfinnee because of war evicts coming there from the countryside for survival scares them. They will be more scared when justice prevails.   

Though the dominance of Amaaraa was reduced since 1974, it is still observable in this era when equality is said to be proclaimed. The federal government does not speak to one except in Amharic; they are denying Oromo’s sovereignty over Oromiyaa that the constitution grants. The Amaaraa denied that there was no national oppression in empire Ethiopia. They deny they had been the sole oppressors in the past by mentioning collaborating Amaaranized Oromo that were their lackeys. Before the Crown crumbled, they were proud of being single rulers. But now they are smearing the Oromo nation as partners in building the empire, confusing the difference between system and individual involvement.  Oromo as a nation had never submitted to them or joined them willingly. For the people they were always the colonizers and the colonized, oppressors and the oppressed and masters and serfs. When in 1960s students’ debate of Ethiopia not being colonizer went nowhere, they changed the issue to class struggle and internationalism. Oromo will never go back to debate on issues they once resolved but will continue with the struggle for decolonization they started.   

When colonizers talk about Ethiopia in Amharic that does not include the Oromo. We talk about Oromiyaa with the colonizer only around negotiation table or in the battle filled. Oromo intelligentsia’s wasting their time by debating with them in Amharic without having common premises is the most saddening thing. They should have followed them only to know their next step against freedom not to give them ideas on how to sharpen their spears. The colonial empire is in its twilight zone when it will eclipse will not be far of. HIS, Darg, Wayyaanee met their end faster than people expected. Let this one also not fool us, saying he has metal feet unlike their clay ones. Watch out, this one’s sudden fall will not be as easy as his predecessors. One that denies the truth does not want to take past wrongs and bring peace. Present rulers benefit in chaos than peace. In peace what are called crime against humanity, genocide and war crimes are awaiting them. It is essential to tell them without reservation that Oromo are not Ethiopians but Africans, who lost their rights to them and struggling to get them back. There must be no wavering on cause and Kaayyoo of Oromummaa. It is essential to tighten the loop against them until they beg and come to the negotiation table.  

We learn from history that the Abyssinian kingdom has never lived in peace with its neighbors since its formation. Even it jokes at own people, “Eating the poor and tripe is while it is screeching. They eat from him making him cry while it remains hungry. The civilizations they destroyed, houses they burned, resources they damaged, lives they mowed down are beyond numbers. Their cruelty of mutilating the human body, burning alive, punishing with hunger from Tedros to Abiy, all that went to their own school have either read or heard about it. Denying these will only be refusing the damaged trust from healing. Otherwise, it will continue to hurt where it is cut. Though Haayila Sillaasee (HSI) officially changed the name Abyssinia to Ethiopia, its character is never changed. Africa needs leaders who can see beyond their own interest, and activists who have commitment and determination for Africa’s progress and put people first. Ethiopian government is not showing trend of peace, development, freedom and stability even for own region, let alone for Africa. All Africans, including Habashaa should not farther fool themselves. Therefore, nations, nationalities, and peoples in the region must discipline this misguided group and erase the remaining colonial scars. An empire built on the outlook of one group must be abolished. It must be replaced by independent entities, or a political union based on the will of the peoples of the region, with equality for all, respect for each other’s interests and the principle of democracy. The Horn region and Africa, if absolved from outlook of “The Scramble of Africa” and if this region of Africa is built anew, what it ushers as development of Africa and world peace, will be a great gift for humanity.  

In Ethiopia “Us” and “Them”, will stay until they change their decadent outlooks. They must accept that the peoples of Africa, which were under them have a separate country and identity and show them equality and respect. As long as one culture, one language and one group are dominant without the peoples’ will, forget belonging to one entity or one state system in the Second Millenium. Returning to the past is only a dream. A new Regional Order is the demand. In this era of information we have seen, let alone going backward, to remain where we now stand is impossible. What could be beneficial is for us Africans helping each other and participate in the competition of technology and world market. If “Biyyoolessa” means nation, we do not have nationhood except neighborhood with them. Therefore, what is called national dialogue do not concern the Oromo.  Instead of wasting time with tricks like “Ethiopian National Dialogue” let them accept that we are the wronged and wrong doers and prepare to meet around a negotiation table concerning the right for national self -determination. With that we can abolish colonial empire built by the nafxanyaa and build together as new a region of the equals, peaceful and stable. It will be helpful not to forget that Qimaant, Agawu, Argobbaa, Gaafat, Wayixoo, Northern Oromoo etc. so far counted under them, have separate country, language and identity. All those will be members of the new regional union. Like the peoples of Africa, if common measurement were used for all people and they are seen with one eye as equals and free, problems can easily be resolved. If Africa becomes a continent with peace and development, if not leading in civilization and greatness as before, let us make efforts to bring it to the level of competing with other peoples in this globalizing world. With equality, “Us and Them” are dropped and all become “Us”. Oromiyaan haa jiraattu!  

Honor and glory for the fallen heroines and heroes; liberty, equality, and freedom for the living and nagaa and araaraa for the Ayyaanaa of our fore parents! 

Ibsaa Guutama 

June 2024